Distributed Control of Robotic Networks

A Mathematical Approach to Motion Coordination Algorithms
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Francesco Bullo

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
bullo at engineering.ucsb.edu

Jorge Cortés

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California, San Diego
cortes at ucsd.edu

Sonia Martínez

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California, San Diego
soniamd at ucsd.edu

Objectives of the book

  1. present a coherent introduction to distributed algorithms, covering results in graph theory, synchronous networks, and averaging algorithms

  2. provide a self-contained exposition of relevant geometric models and geometric optimization problems

  3. put forth a model for robotic networks that helps formalize and analyze coordination algorithms

  4. present various algorithms for coordination tasks such as rendezvous, connectivity maintenance, deployment, and boundary estimation

  author =    {F. Bullo and J. Cort\'es and S. Mart{\'\i}nez},
  title =     {Distributed Control of Robotic Networks},
  publisher = {Princeton University Press},
  series =    {Applied Mathematics Series},
  year =      2009,
  isbn =      {978-0-691-14195-4},
  note =      {Electronically available at http://coordinationbook.info}

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